2023 Financial Calendar
Welcome to our 2023 financial calendar! This calendar is designed to help you keep track of important financial dates and deadlines, such as tax filing and government benefit distribution. You can bookmark this page for easy reference or add these dates to your personal calendar to ensure you don’t miss any important financial obligations.
2022 Year End Tax Tips and Strategies for Business Owners
The end of 2022 is quickly approaching – which means for business owners, it’s time to review tax tips and strategies to maximize your benefits.
2022 Personal Year-End Tax Tips
The end of 2022 is quickly approaching – which means it’s time to get everything in order, so you’re ready when it comes time to file your taxes.
We’ve broken this article into the following sections to make it easy to find the tax tips you’re looking for:
• Investment considerations, including how to best contribute to TFSAs, RRSPs, and RDSPs.
• Families, including how to claim childcare expenses and make the most of RESPs.
• Retirees, including essential details about applying for CPP and OAS.
Charitable Giving
Why do individuals give to charity: Leave a legacy, Essential to organizations, Meaningful tax relief for contributors
Estate Planning for Retirees and Mature Families
What happens when the children grow up and they are no longer dependent on their parents? Estate planning for mature families and retirees can bring up a number of issues including family dynamics and harmony.
Paying for Education
Post-secondary education can be expensive, however having the opportunity to plan for it helps with making sure that you’re capable to meet the costs of education.
The Five Steps to Investment Planning
An investment advisor can help you figure out what the right investment choices are for you.
The five steps to investment planning are:
• Meeting your investment advisor
• Determining your goals and expectations
• Developing your investment plan
• Implementing your investment plan
• Monitoring the plan
The sooner you start planning for retirement, the sooner you can get there! An investment advisor can help you get there quicker.
Do you have enough for retirement?
Many of us dream of the day that we can retire and have the time to ourselves that we have dreamed of for so many years. But, to have a genuinely contented and relaxing retirement, you need to ensure that you have the means to afford it. So, now’s the best time to consider the three critical stages of retirement planning.
1) Accumulation
2) Pre-retirement
3) Retirement
6 Steps to Retirement Success
Retirement planning can be challenging, we’ve outlined what we feel are 6 steps to retirement success. Talk to us about a complimentary comprehensive review of your retirement plan.
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